another 30 day experiment finishes...

So, this is the last day of Feb. and my 30 days in the war room experiment is over. Incidentally, this day just happens to be the 3rd year celebration of non-stop prayer in the Dowtown Eastside of Vancouver. So, my last shift of this month's experiment is the culmination of our time together in prayer and a celebration of God's faithfulness to that end. Cool.

It's amazing how God can make a small room in a slum hotel into a holy place of intercession. Only God could think of this. And, one thing I'm going to miss intensely about this community is The War Room. It's significance can only be under-rated by us on this side of heaven. I'm convinced this habit is a world winning strategy... and I'm already praying for a holy space in another city around the other side of the world to spring up soon...

My next 30 day experiment: MOVING!!