Danielle Strickland

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Well, it's a been awhile... not even sure where to begin.
I've been on quite a journey of late. In New York highlights were:
the UN - the City - the friends - the opportunities of connection/conversation and learning - and in Chicago - the parents - the reports on the fight against human trafficking - the peers - and VICTOR MALAREK (you must get his new book called the JOHNS and is an investigation behind the demand side of the sex-slave trade... it's an eye opener and he's a great presenter). There is no doubt that male sexual deviant behaviour is the driver behind the world's worst exploitation of women and children around the globe... a few of us have been thinking how we can re-shape the cultural acceptance of that in Australia... all suggestions welcome.

Anyway, now I'm in an airport waiting to board a flight for a 20 hour journey home and can't wait to see my fam.

I've been getting tonnes of reports from people who have taken the time to write Cadbury's and it's exciting... the more I think of Cadbury's position the more excited I am that we can really change injustice systems and shift the power back in the favour of the poor... that truly is good news. I'm living for it.