Danielle Strickland

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Australia's Federal Election

Stay tuned for the Australian SA Election guides (things to think about before you vote - coming very soon to your Corps/Community). Also, news from the ACL (Australia Christian Lobby) Federal election 2007:
Bringing a Christian influence to bear

The official Federal election campaign got underway this week with the Liberal/Nationals Coalition clawing back some ground in the polls but with Labor still in an election-winning position.

ACL is non-party partisan and it is our aim to help Christians cast a vote for the candidate of their choice who best reflects Christian values. It is vital that, as a constituency, we engage in the election campaign and take a close interest in who will represent us in the next Federal Parliament.

A great way to do this is to attend an ACL Meet Your Candidates Forum. These will roll out across about 50 electorates and details will be available soon.

Another key strategy to assist Christians will be the launch next week of an exciting interactive website containing the parties’ responses to 25 key questions of Christian concern. The parties have provided us with 250-word answers to each question. The issues range from poverty, refugees and climate change to abortion, family issues and sexual exploitation.

While not yet launched, this initiative has attracted media interest from The Australian, The Bulletin, the ABC’s 7:30 Report and the Australian Financial Review. Look out for the launch next week and for more details in next Friday’s ACL e-news.

While on the topic of the election, John Howard and Kevin Rudd will participate in a special election debate this Sunday night at 7.30 pm at Parliament House, which will be broadcast by Sky News, the ABC and the Nine Network. This provides a further opportunity to learn more about the two leaders views and policies so that you can make an informed vote.